Battery Life Estimator v1.20 Release Notes
Copyright (C) 2008 Silicon Laboratories, Inc.

This release contains the following components:

    * BatteryTypes (directory)
        - Battery description files
    * DischargeProfiles (directory)
        - Discharge Profile description files
    - BatteryLifeEstimator.exe 
    - BatteryLifeEstimator.ini
    - ReleaseNotes.txt (this file)

Release Dates

	Battery Life Estimator v1.20 - September 19, 2009
	Battery Life Estimator v1.1 - June 26, 2008
	Battery Life Estimator v1.0 - February 25, 2008

Revision History
Version 1.20
          - Updated Help files.
          - Changed caption to Silicon Labs battery Life Estimator

Version 1.1

	New features/Enhancements
	- Added a help file.
	- Battery description files now contain a parameter for maximum
	  battery life.  Estimated battery life values on the Simulation
	  Results dialog will not exceed this limit.
	- The minimum system operating voltage limit specified in the
	  discharge profile now works for the single and parallel
	  battery configurations if the starting voltage is greater
	  than the minimum system operating voltage.

Version 1.0

	New features/Enhancements
	Initial release.

	Initial release.