Multiprotocol Products

Maintaining Flexibility with Multiprotocol Wireless Connectivity

Multiprotocol wireless connectivity enables designs to meet both the evolving market needs and region-specific requirements for wireless IoT products. Take advantage of our multiprotocol software and wireless SoCs to introduce Bluetooth® Low Energy, Zigbee, Thread, and even proprietary wireless connectivity and get to production faster. The multiprotocol solutions and our support for their updates, help you meet the evolving needs of the wireless IoT.

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Wireless Kits & Boards
Starter Kits (22)
Modular kits for software development and feature evaluation of IoT devices
SLWSTK6000BEFR32MG Zigbee and Thread Starter KitMSRP $561.00
SLWSTK6005AEFR32MG12 Dual Band Starter KitMSRP $439.00
SLWSTK6006AEFR32xG21 Wireless Gecko Starter KitMSRP $533.00
SLWSTK6007AWi-SUN Wireless Starter KitMSRP $573.00
SLWSTK6020BEFR32BG Bluetooth SoC Starter KitMSRP $191.00
SLWSTK6021AEFR32xG22 Wireless Gecko Starter KitMSRP $193.00
SLWSTK6023A EFR32xG21 Bluetooth Starter KitMSRP $164.00
SLWSTK6050CZ-Wave Long Range 700 Starter KitMSRP $379.00
SLWSTK6060BEFR32FG 915 MHz 2.4 GHz and Sub-GHz Starter KitMSRP $373.00
SLWSTK6061BEFR32FG 868 MHz 2.4 GHz and Sub-GHz Starter KitMSRP $386.00
SLWSTK6062BEFR32FG 490 MHz 2.4 GHz and Sub-GHz Starter KitMSRP $391.00
SLWSTK6063BEFR32FG 434 MHz 2.4 GHz and Sub-GHz Starter KitMSRP $396.00
SLWSTK6065BEFR32FG 169 MHz 2.4 GHz and Sub-GHz Starter KitMSRP $404.00
SLWSTK6101DEFR32BG Bluetooth Module Starter KitMSRP $187.00
SLWSTK6102AxGM210P Wireless Module Starter KitMSRP $353.00
SLWSTK6103ABGM220 Bluetooth Module Wireless Starter KitMSRP $186.00
SLWSTK6104AMGM220 Zigbee Module Wireless Starter KitMSRP $165.00
SLWSTK6220AEZR32WG 868 MHz Wireless Starter KitMSRP $377.00
SLWSTK6221AEZR32WG 434 MHz Wireless Starter KitMSRP $299.00
SLWSTK6222AEZR32WG 915 MHz Wireless Starter KitMSRP $391.00
SLWSTK6240AEZR32HG 868 MHz Wireless Starter KitMSRP $395.00
SLWSTK6242AEZR32HG 915 MHz Wireless Starter KitMSRP $406.00
Development Kits (33)
Full-featured application development kits
XG24-DK2606ANEWEFR32xG24 Channel Sounding Dev KitMSRP $79.00
XG26-DK2608ANEWEFR32xG26 Dev KitMSRP $89.00
1060-915-DKSi1060/80 915 MHz Wireless MCU Development KitMSRP $385.71
1064-434-DKSi1064/84 434 MHz Wireless MCU Development KitMSRP $385.71
4010-AESK1W-315Si4010/Si4355 315 MHz One-Way AES Development KitMSRP $162.00
4010-AESK1W-434Si4010/Si4355 434 MHz One-Way AES Development KitMSRP $90.00
4010-AESK1W-915Si4010/Si4355 915 MHz One-Way AES Development KitMSRP $115.00
4010-KFOBDEV-434Si4010/Si4355 434 MHz Key Fob Development KitMSRP $297.00
4010-KFOBDEV-868Si4010/Si4355 868 MHz Key Fob Development KitMSRP $311.00
4010-KFOBDEV-915Si4010/Si4355 915 MHz Key Fob Development KitMSRP $335.00
4012-LCDK1W-434Si4012/Si4355 434 MHz One-Way LCD Development KitMSRP $256.00
4012-LCDK1W-915Si4012/Si4355 915 MHz One-Way LCD Development KitMSRP $274.00
4455C-434-PDKEZRadio Si4455 434 MHz Wireless Development KitMSRP $294.00
4455C-868-PDKEZRadio Si4455 868 MHz Wireless Development KitMSRP $325.00
4455C-915-PDKEZRadio Si4455 915 MHz Wireless Development KitMSRP $294.00
4461C-868-PDKEZRadioPRO Si4461 868 MHz Wireless Development KitMSRP $409.81
4463C-915-PDKEZRadioPRO Si4463 915 MHz Wireless Development KitMSRP $409.81
BT122-DK4315BDual-Mode BR/EDR Bluetooth LE Module Development KitMSRP $161.25
EZR-LEDK2W-434EZRadio Si4455 434 MHz Two-Way Sub-GHz Key Fob to LED Development KitMSRP $99.00
EZR-LEDK2W-868EZRadio Si4455 868 MHz Two-Way Sub-GHz Key Fob to LED Development KitMSRP $99.00
EZR-LEDK2W-915EZRadio Si4455 915 MHz Two-Way Sub-GHz Key Fob to LED Development KitMSRP $179.00
FG23-DK2600AEFR32FG23 868-915 MHz +14 dBm Dev KitMSRP $88.00
MSC-AMS434-EK434 MHz Antenna Matrix Development KitMSRP $93.53
MSC-AMS868-EK868 MHz Antenna Matrix Development KitMSRP $93.53
MSC-AMS915-EK915 MHz Antenna Matrix Development KitMSRP $93.53
MSC-F930-PDKEZRadioPRO Wireless Motherboard Development KitMSRP $272.75
RS9116X-DB-EVK1RS9116X Dual Band Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Development Kit (CC1 Module)MSRP $129.00
RS9116X-SB-EVK1RS9116X EVK1 Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Dev KitMSRP $129.00
RS9116X-SB-EVK2RS9116X EVK2 Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Dev KitMSRP $100.00
SIWX917-DK2605ASiWx917M Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE Dev KitMSRP $40.00
XG24-DK2601BEFR32xG24 Dev KitMSRP $79.00
XG27-DK2602AEFR32xG27 Development KitMSRP $75.00
ZGM230-DK2603AZ-Wave 800 Series Development KitMSRP $64.00
Reference Designs (3)
Application-specfic designs showcasing complete system solutions
EZR-LEDK1W-434EZRadio Si4010/Si4355 434 MHz One-Way Sub-GHz Key Fob to LED Reference DesignMSRP $111.00
EZR-LEDK1W-868EZRadio Si4010/Si4355 868 MHz One-Way Sub-GHz Key Fob to LED Reference DesignMSRP $60.00
EZR-LEDK1W-915EZRadio Si4010/Si4355 915 MHz One-Way Sub-GHz Key Fob to LED Reference DesignMSRP $96.00
Radio Boards (100)
Wireless starter kit plug-in boards featuring specific SoC or module wireless devices
MGM260P-RB4350ANEWMGM260P Wireless 2.4 GHz +10 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $23.00
MGM260P-RB4351ANEWMGM260P Wireless 2.4 GHz +20 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $23.00
XG26-RB4118ANEWEFR32xG26 Wireless 2.4 GHz +10 dBm BGA136 Radio BoardMSRP $31.00
XG26-RB4120ANEWEFR32xG26 Wireless 2.4 GHz +10 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $34.00
XG26-RB4121ANEWEFR32xG26 Wireless 2.4 GHz +20 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $34.00
BG22-RB4191ABG22 Bluetooth Dual Polarized Antenna Array Radio BoardMSRP $149.00
BG27-RB4110BEFR32BG27 Wireless 2.4 GHz +4 dBm Radio Board (Buck)MSRP $35.00
BG27-RB4111BEFR32BG27 Wireless 2.4 GHz +4 dBm Radio Board (Boost)MSRP $35.00
FG23-RB4265BEFR32FG23 433 MHz +10 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $56.00
FG25-RB4270BEFR32FG25 902-928 MHz +16 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $62.00
FG25-RB4271AEFR32FG25 863-876 MHz +16 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $64.00
FG25-RB4272AEFR32FG25 470 MHz +16 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $75.00
FGM230-RB4328AFGM230S 868-915 MHz +14 dBm Secure Vault™ High Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
FGM230-RB4328BFGM230S 868-915 MHz +14 dBm Secure Vault™ Mid Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SIW917Y-RB4343ASiWG917Y Module Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 8MB Flash RF-Pin Radio BoardMSRP $40.00
SIW917Y-RB4357ASiWN917Y Module Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 4MB Flash RF-Pin Co-Processor Radio BoardMSRP $40.00
SIWX917-RB4338ASiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE SoC 8 MB Flash Radio BoardMSRP $40.00
SIWX917-RB4346ASiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE SoC 4 MB Flash Co-Processor Radio BoardMSRP $40.00
SIWX91X-RB4342ASiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 8 MB Flash + 8 MB ext PSRAM Radio BoardMSRP $40.00
SLWRB4100AEFR32BG1 Bluetooth +10.5 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $29.00
SLWRB4103AEFR32BG12 Bluetooth +10 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4104AEFR32BG13 Bluetooth +10 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4158AEFR32MG13 2.4 GHz 915 MHz +19 dBm 512 kB Flash Radio BoardMSRP $62.00
SLWRB4159AEFR32MG13 2.4 GHz +10 dBm 512 kB Flash Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4161AEFR32MG12 2.4 GHz +19 dBm 1 MB Flash Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4162AEFR32MG12 2.4 GHz +10 dBm 1 MB Flash Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4163AEFR32MG12 2.4 GHz 868 MHz +10 dBm 1 MB Flash Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4164AEFR32MG12 2.4 GHz 915 MHz +19 dBm 1 MB Flash Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4167AEFR32MG13 2.4 GHz 868 MHz +10 dBm 512 kB Flash Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4168AEFR32MG13 2.4 GHz +19 dBm 512 kB Flash Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4170AEFR32MG12 2.4 GHz 868/915 MHz +19 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $58.00
SLWRB4172AEFR32MG12 2.4 GHz 490 MHz +19 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $55.00
SLWRB4172BEFR32MG12 2.4 GHz 169 MHz +19 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $59.00
SLWRB4173AEFR32MG12 2.4 GHz 434 MHz +10 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $57.00
SLWRB4174AEFR32MG13 2.4 GHz 490 MHz +19 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $55.00
SLWRB4174BEFR32MG13 2.4 GHz 169 MHz +19 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $59.00
SLWRB4175AEFR32MG13 2.4 GHz 434 MHz +10 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $57.00
SLWRB4180BEFR32xG21A Wireless Gecko 2.4 GHz +20 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4181BEFR32xG21A Wireless Gecko 2.4 GHz +10 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4181CEFR32xG21B Wireless Gecko 2.4 GHz +10 dBm Radio Board with Secure VaultMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4182AEFR32xG22 Wireless Gecko 2.4 GHz +6 dBm 5x5, QFN40 Radio BoardMSRP $29.00
SLWRB4183AEFR32xG22 Wireless Gecko 2.4 GHz +6 dBm, 4x4 QFN32 Radio BoardMSRP $29.00
SLWRB4190AEFR32MG12 and Si4468 Dual PHY 1 MB Flash Radio Board
SLWRB4206AEFR32ZG14 Z-Wave Long Range Radio BoardMSRP $44.00
SLWRB4207AZGM130S Z-Wave LR 700 Module Radio BoardMSRP $37.50
SLWRB4250AEFR32FG1 2.4 GHz and 915 MHz Radio BoardMSRP $60.00
SLWRB4250BEFR32FG1 2.4 GHz and 868 MHz Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4251AEFR32FG1 2.4 GHz and 490 MHz Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4251BEFR32FG1 2.4 GHz and 434 MHz Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4253AEFR32FG12 2.4 GHz and 915 MHz Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4254AEFR32FG12 2.4 GHz and 868 MHz Radio BoardMSRP $62.00
SLWRB4255AEFR32FG13 2.4 GHz and 915 MHz Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4256AEFR32FG13 2.4 GHz and 868 MHz Radio BoardMSRP $60.00
SLWRB4257AEFR32FG14 2.4 GHz and 915 MHz Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4257BEFR32FG14 2.4 GHz and 868 MHz Radio BoardMSRP $60.00
SLWRB4258AEFR32FG14 2.4 GHz and 490 MHz Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4258BEFR32FG14 2.4 GHz and 169 MHz Radio BoardMSRP $57.00
SLWRB4259AEFR32FG14 2.4 GHz and 434 MHz Radio BoardMSRP $57.00
SLWRB4261AEFR32FG14 Wireless Gecko 490 MHz Long Range TCXO Radio BoardMSRP $59.00
SLWRB4262AEFR32FG14 Wireless Gecko 915 MHz Long Range TCXO Radio BoardMSRP $66.00
SLWRB4262BEFR32FG14 Wireless Gecko 868 MHz Long Range TCXO Radio BoardMSRP $59.00
SLWRB4300ABGM111 Bluetooth Module +8 dBm Output Power Radio BoardMSRP $25.00
SLWRB4300BMGM111 Zigbee and Thread Module +10 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4301ABGM113 Bluetooth Module +3 dBm Output Power Radio BoardMSRP $28.00
SLWRB4302ABGM121 Bluetooth SiP Module +8 dBm Output Power Radio BoardMSRP $31.00
SLWRB4303ABGM11S Bluetooth SiP Module +8 dBm Output Power Radio BoardMSRP $32.00
SLWRB4304AMGM12P Zigbee and Thread Module +17 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4305ABGM13S32 Bluetooth Module +18 Output Power Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4305CBGM13S22 Bluetooth Module +8 Output Power Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4305DMGM13S02 Zigbee and Thread Module +10 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4305EMGM13S12 Zigbee and Thread Module +18 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4306ABGM13P22 Bluetooth Module +8 Output Power Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4306BBGM13P32 Bluetooth Module +19 Output Power Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4306CMGM13P02 Zigbee and Thread Module +10 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4306DMGM13P12 Zigbee and Thread Module +18 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4308CxGM210P Wireless Gecko 2.4 GHz +20 dBm Radio Board with Secure VaultMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4308DxGM210P Wireless Gecko 2.4 GHz +10 dBm Radio Board with Secure VaultMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4309BxGM210L Wireless Gecko 2.4 GHz +12.5 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
SLWRB4310ABGM220SC12 Bluetooth SiP Module 2.4 GHz +0 Output Power Radio BoardMSRP $29.00
SLWRB4311ABGM220PC22 Bluetooth PCB Module 2.4 GHz +8 Output Power Radio BoardMSRP $29.00
SLWRB4311BMGM220PC22 Zigbee Module +8 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $29.00
SLWRB4312ABGM220SC22 Bluetooth SiP Module 2.4 GHz +6 Output Power Radio BoardMSRP $29.00
SLWRB4321AWGM160P Wi-Fi Module Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
XG21-RB4195BEFR32xG21B Rev D Wireless 2.4 GHz +10 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $28.00
XG21-RB4196BEFR32xG21B Rev D Wireless 2.4 GHz +20 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $28.00
XG22-RB4415AEFR32xG22E Wireless 2.4 GHz +6 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $29.00
XG23-RB4204DEFR32XG23 868-915 MHz +14 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $58.00
XG23-RB4210AEFR32XG23 868-915 MHz +20 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $64.00
XG24-RB4115BEFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz + 4 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $37.00
XG24-RB4186CEFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz +10 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $39.00
XG24-RB4187CEFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz +20 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $39.00
XG24-RB4188AEFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz +20 dBm Antenna Diversity Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
XG27-RB4194AEFR32xG27 Wireless 2.4 GHz +8 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $29.00
XG28-RB4400CEFR32xG28 2.4 GHz BLE and +14 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $40.00
XG28-RB4401CEFR32xG28 2.4 GHz BLE and +20 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $40.00
XGM240-RB4316AxGM240P +10 dBm Module Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
XGM240-RB4317AxGM240P +20 dBm Module Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
XGM240-RB4318AxGM240S +10 dBm SiP Module Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
XGM240-RB4337AxGM240L +10 dBm Module Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
ZGM230-RB4205BZGM230S Z-Wave SiP Module Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
Expansion Boards (5)
Starter kit and ecosystem accessory boards
SI-EB8045AEXP Adapter Board for Co-Processor Expansion KitMSRP $55.00
SI-EB8045BRaspberry Pi Adapter Board for Co-Processor Expansion KitMSRP $55.00
SI-EB8045CShield Adapter Board for Co-Processor Expansion KitMSRP $55.00
SLEXP8022AWF200 Wi-Fi Expansion KitMSRP $49.00
SLEXP8023AWFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion KitMSRP $54.00
Thunderboard Kits (1)
Low-cost software development and prototyping kits for IoT devices
SLTB010AEFR32BG22 Thunderboard KitMSRP $45.00
Debug and Programming Tools (1)
Debugging and programming tools and accessories
SLUSB001AEFR32ZG14 UZB-7 Z-Wave 700 Stick Bridge ModuleMSRP $21.00

Multiprotocol Software Development

Silicon Labs software includes industry-leading software stacks and development tools for Zigbee, Thread, Bluetooth and Proprietary applications. In conjunction with modules, SoCs and reference designs for wireless solutions from Silicon Labs, developers can use software and tools from Silicon Labs to quickly and reliably:

  • Develop multi-node mesh networks
  • Monitor and debug multiple nodes simultaneously
  • Visually analyze system performance

  Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) Software Development Kit (SDK) helps designers develop Bluetooth LE, and Bluetooth 5 solutions for the IoT.
  Bluetooth Mesh Software Development Kit (SDK) helps designers develop Bluetooth mesh solutions for the IoT.
  Silicon Labs’ Connect is an IEEE 802.15.4 based wireless networking stack for broad-based proprietary applications and is optimized for devices that require low power consumption. This full-featured, easily customizable networking stack is designed for compliance with regulatory specifications across worldwide geographic regions and supports both sub-GHz and 2.4 GHz frequency bands.
  Silicon Labs’ RAIL (Radio Abstraction Interface Layer) lets you adopt the latest RF technology without sacrificing the investment you’ve made in your wireless protocol. Designed to support proprietary or standards-based protocols, RAIL simplifies and future-proofs the migration of code to new ICs.
  Silicon Labs is a founding board member of the Thread Group with numerous successful customer deployments of mesh networking solutions based on 802.15.4 and Zigbee. Registered customers of the kits can access the Thread SDK and development tools through Simplicity Studio
  Silicon Labs EmberZNet PRO Zigbee networking protocol stack is a complete Zigbee protocol software package containing all the elements required for robust and reliable mesh networking applications on Silicon Labs' Ember platforms. The Zigbee stack provides "professional grade" networking for the most challenging applications such as Smart Energy / Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Home Automation, Home Security, Smart Lighting and Building Automation systems.

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Applications for Multiprotocol Connectivity

The usefulness of connected devices in consumer, commercial, and industrial environments can be enhanced or improved through multiprotocol connectivity. In-home automation, for example, Zigbee provides whole-home wireless coverage with its mesh capabilities and makes it possible to control devices from outside the home via a gateway. When Bluetooth LE is introduced, a smartphone can be used for direct local control and location awareness can be added.

Sub-GHz wireless technologies are ideal for smart metering applications since they propagate over wide areas. By adding simultaneous sub-GHz and Bluetooth communication to metering IoT devices, technicians can utilize mobile apps for local setup, information gathering, and maintenance.

In retail or commercial settings, there is a desire to make use of technologies such as Bluetooth beacons to provide location-based advertisements, track assets, and develop heat maps to track foot traffic. By integrating Bluetooth beacons into connected infrastructure such as lighting, large-scale coverage areas can be created. Instead of having to deploy both connected lights and beacons, a light or luminaire can serve as the means to deploy Bluetooth beacons. This provides a more cost-effective avenue to enable location-based services.

Smart home poster

Smart Home

Led bulb poster

Smart Lighting

White house mesh overlay banner

Mesh Network Performance

Metering poster

Smart Metering

Applications smart retail poster


Banner wi fi device on kitchen counter

Wi-Fi Coexistence

What is Multiprotocol Technology?

Many connected devices can improve consumer experience and enhance functionality by supporting multiple wireless connectivity options. We are used to our smartphones supporting Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and other connectivity options to provide streaming media as well as connectivity to headphones and smart watches. The power, size, and cost requirements for many IoT systems has traditionally made supporting multiple protocols challenging. Dynamic multiprotocol wireless connectivity provides a viable means to simultaneously support multiple wireless protocols on a single chip by using a time-slicing mechanism to share a radio between protocols, reducing wireless system cost and simplifying system design.

What are the benefits of supporting multiple protocols?

  • Reduce wireless subsystem BOM and size by up to 40%

  • Provide direct phone-based configuration and control of connected devices

  • Simplify wireless-subsystem design through reduction of RF components

  • Include diagnostic capabilities to check device health with a smartphone

  • Leverage multiprotocol IC for mobile engagement applications

  • Add a mechanism for high-speed OTA firmware updates

Here's a brief look at the different types of multiprotocol connectivity and their benefits.

Programmable Multiprotocol

Programmable multiprotocol support entails having a chipset that, when programmed with the right software stack, can run any number of wireless protocols. Being able to program a chip in production to support BLE, Zigbee, Thread or a proprietary protocol means you can streamline your hardware design and quickly address different markets. A chip platform that supports multiple protocols via different software images is a fundamental prerequisite for all other multiprotocol use cases.

Switched Multiprotocol

Switched Multiprotocol involves having two separate possible modes running on one chip. Each mode from a protocol and stack point of view is separate from each other. To swap protocols, you have two options: 1) Bootload the firmware image you want that contains the other protocol stack, do the communicating, and then bootload back to the other image, or 2) Have one image that has two modes to completely enable or disable each protocol.One example of this is a connected home device (like a door or window sensor) that only needs Bluetooth to be commissioned to join the network, and then will communicate via Zigbee for a vast majority of its life. To do this, you will ship the part with Bluetooth software programmed or enabled, interact with the user/installer via a phone, and then disable Bluetooth, enable Zigbee and join the Zigbee network. Then, typically the only way to go back to Bluetooth is via a user interrupt, like a button, or to reach out to the node via Zigbee to tell it to swap back to Bluetooth because the device cannot simultaneously remain on the mesh network and hold on to its Bluetooth connection. The time between swapping is very long – in the hundreds of milliseconds for Bluetooth and even longer for Bluetooth mesh.

Switched multiprotocol enables your connected device to change which wireless protocol is being used by bootloading a new firmware image when the device is already deployed in the field. Consumer experience of settting up or commissioning your product can be greatly improved by making use of smartphone connectivity to swtich between BLE securely onto Zigbee, Thread and other wireless networks. With the addition of over-the-air (OTA) updates, devices can also be updated in the field to evolve to changing market needs.

Switched multiprotocol

Dynamic Multiprotocol

Dynamic Multiprotocol is more fluid and flexible in its ability to swap and can more quickly hop between the two protocols. With dynamic multiprotocol, you do not shutdown or de-initialize the entire protocol stack; instead, you simply keep both running but swap who is using the physical radio, drastically reducing the time to switch. You are sharing the lowest level dependencies between the two protocols, which is typically the radio (this is represented as the bottom brick in the wall in the image below). By being able to swap faster, it allows Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connections to remain active, and at the same time remain on the Zigbee/Thread network, by ensuring you remain in the timing windows for each of the protocols as not to drop connection or be removed from the network. This allows the node to respond to either a command via Zigbee/Thread or Bluetooth, which means a user on the phone can control the node and the main network.A good example of a dynamic multiprotocol application is a door lock where you want the user to be able to lock/unlock to door via Bluetooth on their phone, as well as use sensors, time schedule, or cloud command via Zigbee.

Ultimately, any multiprotocol solution must address the possibility of simultaneously running multiple wireless protocols together on one chip, using a time-slicing mechanism to share the radio. This approach opens up even more use cases, especially when combining BLE with other wireless protocols. The simplest of these use cases involves the periodic use of Bluetooth beacons in retail environments from a device that normally operates on Zigbee, Thread or a sub-GHz wireless protocol.

Dynamic multiprotocol diagram
  Switched Multiprotocol Dynamic Multiprotocol
  • Typically, the cheaper overall system cost option, as your main IC can be the leanest of all the options.
  • The simplest option, as you do not have to worry about complicated software timing management
  • Requires less development
  • Enables ease-of-use because of its seamless connection
  • Maintains BLE connections while simultaneously remaining on the mesh network
  • The least flexible option is because you have to completely disable a protocol to enable the other. For example, with Bluetooth, you will lose all connections and have to reestablish them, and with Zigbee, you will be kicked off of the network.
  • Takes longer to switch between the two protocols because you have to shut down and restart each protocol every time you switch.
  • Requires expertise in software and networking and can be difficult to develop and test.
  • Requires a tight timeline to ensure you meet the requirements for keeping BLE alive

Concurrent Multiprotocol

Concurrent Multiprotocol (CMP) technology is a game-changer in the realm of wireless communication, enabling a single chip to operate multiple communication protocols simultaneously. More specifically, this capability is targeted for devices that need to operate in multiple networks and based on the same 802.15.4 standard such as Zigbee and Thread. CMP when combined with concurrent listening ensures that devices can maintain connections with different networks on separate operating channels without the need for multiple radios or switching between protocols. For instance, a single device can communicate with Zigbee and Thread end nodes on different 802.15.4 channels while also switching to Bluetooth (in DMP mode) for user interface interactions.

With an ability to provide seamless communication across different protocols, enhanced user experience and simplified device management, CMP plays a significant role in the development of gateway devices, which serve as central hubs for connecting various IoT devices within a network. These gateways can then manage multiple communication protocols simultaneously, ensuring seamless data exchange and interoperability between different devices and networks. This flexibility is achieved through advanced software and hardware integration, allowing for concurrent and dynamic multi-protocol operations. The MG21 and MG24 series chips support these features.

Besides gateways, this capability is also important in smart home and commercial building automation applications, where a diverse range of devices and protocols need to coexist and communicate effectively. The MG26 series chips which is pin compatible with MG24 also supports Zigbee and Matter over Thread CMP for end devices.

Concurrent multiprotocol figure

Multiradio Multiprotocol

Dedicated operation of multiple protocols without any trade-offs, especially where different radio frequencies are used by different protocols, requires two radios. There is a lot of value in an application and networking stack that can operate across two radios that perhaps even utilize two completely different frequency ranges. One example is smart metering in Great Britain, where the government will deploy dual PHY Zigbee communications hubs in 30 million households and businesses by 2020. This effort is to enable a Home Area Network that contains both 2.4 GHz Zigbee devices and sub-GHz Zigbee devices (operating in the 868 MHz band), maintained on the same logical PAN with the communications hub routing traffic between devices on different radio frequencies.

  Single Radio Multiradio
# Antennas 1 2
Operation Time-sliced Dedicated
Performance Bandwidth shared across multiple protocols; potential increased latency and missed packets No compromises
Cost Lower Higher
Size Smaller Larger

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Where Innovation Meets Implementation

2024 marks the 5th year of Works With, our industry-defining technical IoT developer conference. One of the defining characteristics of this event is the collection of industry experts, business leaders, and the minds driving the future of our industry. The full 2024 Works With Virtual agenda is now available on-demand.

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