The Bluegiga Wi-Fi Software is an embedded 802.11 MAC and IPv4 stack targeted for Bluegiga Legacy WF121 Wi-Fi module. The software implements full 802.11 functionality, WPA2, WPA, WEP, and WPS encryption protocols and various IP-based protocols, such as TCP, UDP, DHCP, DNS, ICMP, and HTTP. The Wi-Fi software also supports the 802.11 access point and HTTP server functionality for easy configurations and direct connections with phones, tablets, and PCs.
Bluegiga Wi-Fi SDK Benefits and Specifications
Wi-Fi Benefits
A fully embedded 802.11 MAC with the client and access point modes
Built-in IPv4 stack with TCP, UDP, DHCP, mDNS and DNS protocols
Built-in HTTP server
Supports WPA2, WPA, WPS and WEP security algorithms
Simple and low overhead BGAPI™ serial protocol over UART, USB or SPI
Standalone applications can be created with Bluegiga BGScript
High throughput over TCP and UDP
Wi-Fi Features
Wi-Fi client mode support
Wi-FI access Point mode up to five clients
WPA2, WPA, WPS, and WEP security
Software APIs
Binary based BGAPI serial protocol over UART, USB, or SPI
BGLIB host library which implements BGAPI serial protocol parser
Bluegiga BGScript programming language for standalone applications
IP Features
IPv4 compatible IP stack
TCP and UDP clients and servers
DNS client
DHCP client and server
HTTP server
Throughput up to 3.5 Mbps
Software SDK
BGScript compiler and BGScript examples
BGLIB parser C source code and examples
DFU firmware update tools for field updates
PC tools
Download and Install Wi-Fi SDK
Bluegiga Legacy Wi-Fi software provides powerful, low overhead, and easy-to-use Bluegiga BGAPI™ serial protocol that can be used over UART, USB, or SPI interfaces. BGAPI serial protocol provides access to functions, such as Access Point discovery, association and encryption and connection establishment as well TCP and UDP data trasfer. To simplify the software development for external host processors the Bluegiga Wi-Fi software also includes a Bluegiga BGLIBTM C-library that implements the BGAPITM serial protocol parser and it can be easily ported to various embedded systems.
For standalone applications, the Bluegiga Legacy Wi-Fi Software also provides a simple BGScript™ scripting language and VM environment, which enables users to write simple applications for the WF121 Wi-Fi module. This enables lower cost and smaller designs without the need for an external MCU.
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