Amazon Sidewalk Products

The Leading Silicon Provider for Amazon Sidewalk Development

Silicon Labs provides IoT device makers with the most complete, one-stop-shop, wireless development solution for Amazon Sidewalk, simplifying your development process, reducing costs, and accelerating time to revenue.

Amazon Sidewalk Developer Journey

We can accelerate your Amazon Sidewalk device development by simplifying each step in the process and providing guidance for the key stages in the development process.

Amazon Sidewalk Hardware Selector Guide

Our Amazon Sidewalk Hardware Selector Guide takes you through our portfolio of integrated tools and services to drive the full developer journey, from concept to launch.

LPWAN Tech Talk

Our 5-part LPWAN Tech Talk series takes viewers through some common design challenges that come with large-scale smart city, utility, and industrial IoT development.

Integrated Solutions for Amazon Sidewalk

Efr32sg23 chip new

Sub-GHz FSK Wireless SoC for Amazon Sidewalk

The SG23 is a secure, low power, high-performance SoC supporting sub-GHz FSK and features an ARM Cortex®-M33 running up to 78 MHz, 512 kB of Flash and 64 kB of RAM. The low active and sleep currents make it ideal for battery operated smart home devices for Amazon Sidewalk.


Efr32sg28 chip new

Dual-Band Wireless SoC for Amazon Sidewalk

The SG28 is a dual-band SoC that sub-GHz FSK and Bluetooth LE, providing reliable connectivity both inside the home and beyond. With an ARM Cortex®-M33 running up to 78 MHz, 1024 kB of Flash and 256 kB of RAM and up to 49 GPIO, this low-power device is ideal when your application demands more resources.

Kg100s pk6130 pro kit

Silicon Labs Pro Kit for Amazon Sidewalk

Our Pro Kit for Amazon Sidewalk provides the necessary tools for evaluation and development of high-volume, scalable Amazon Sidewalk devices. The kit supports all 3 protocols for Amazon Sidewalk including Bluetooth LE, sub-GHz FSK and sub-GHz CSS.

Developer Journey

Silicon Labs is With You for Every Step Along the Amazon Sidewalk Developer Journey

Developing cutting-edge IoT devices that deliver real value to consumers is a marathon, not a sprint. But it’s still imperative to move quickly and with focus. We’ve outlined below three key stages of your journey, along with what’s required to successfully complete each stage.

Wireless SoCs for Amazon Sidewalk 1 Select Columns
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Part Number RAM Flash Max TX Power Package Type BLE FSK-Sub-GHz CSS Secure Vault For Battery Power Recommended Kit  
EFR32BG24B220F1024IM48 128 kB 1024 kB +20 dBm QFN48 Yes No No Yes Yes KG100S-PK6130A Learn More
EFR32BG21B020F1024IM32 96 kB 1024 kB +20 dBm QFN32 Yes No No Yes No EFR32xG21 Bluetooth Starter Kit Learn More
EFR32SG23B020F512IM40 64 kB 512 kB +20 dBm QFN40 No Yes No Yes Yes EFR32xG23 Pro Kit +20 dBm Learn More
EFR32SG28B320F1024IM48 256 kB 1024 kB +20 dBm QFN48 No Yes No Yes Yes EFR32xG28 Pro Kit +20 dBm Learn More
EFR32SG28B320F1024IM68 256 kB 1024 kB +20 dBm QFN68 No Yes No Yes Yes EFR32xG28 Pro Kit +20 dBm Learn More
EFR32SG28B322F1024IM48 256 kB 1024 kB +20 dBm QFN48 No Yes No Yes Yes EFR32xG28 Pro Kit +20 dBm Learn More
EFR32SG28B322F1024IM68 256 kB 1024 kB +20 dBm QFN68 No Yes No Yes Yes EFR32xG28 Pro Kit +20 dBm Learn More
Quectel KG100S
96 kB 1024 kB +20 dBm LGA56 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes KG100S-PK6130A Learn More

Recommended Kits

Featured Amazon Sidewalk Applications

Silicon Labs offers easy-to-use but powerful software solutions that can help make application development and integration a straightforward process.

What is Amazon Sidewalk?

Amazon Sidewalk is a shared wireless network that uses Amazon Sidewalk Bridges, such as compatible Amazon Echo and Ring devices, to enable communication among devices communicating on the network. Amazon Sidewalk enables reliable, low-bandwidth, and long-range connectivity at home and beyond. It connects IoT devices and applications such as outdoor lights, motion sensors, and location-based devices. It uses Bluetooth Low Energy for short-distance communication and CSS and FSK radio protocols at 900 MHz frequencies to cover longer distances.

How Does Amazon Sidewalk Work?

Amazon Sidewalk is a low-bandwidth wireless network comprised of nearby Bridge devices. Amazon Sidewalk Bridge device owners can opt-in to share a small portion of their internet bandwidth to provide wireless connectivity services to compatible devices within the range of Amazon Sidewalk. Each participating Bridge device expands the range of the network.

Amazon Sidewalk Architecture

Amazon Sidewalk is built on an architecture comprising of a radio, network, and application layers. It supports 3 different RF protocols. The Amazon Sidewalk application layer then sits on top of both the network layer and Bluetooth LE stack providing an easy way for customers to use the available protocols. All Amazon Sidewalk devices must connect to the cloud using AWS loT Core for Amazon Sidewalk.

Amazon Sidewalk Bridge Devices

Unlike many loT technologies based on a single gateway, Amazon Sidewalk is based on a single distributed network architecture of nearby Bridges. Having more Amazon Sidewalk Bridges in an area can increase the effectiveness of the network. When the infrastructure expands, the Bridges form a distributed network allowing devices to connect and send data to any Bridge in range instead of being limited to one specific Bridge. Amazon Sidewalk Bridges will pick up the message from the compatible device and route it through the AWS cloud to the user with multiple layers of security.

Amazon Sidewalk - Connecting Wireless IoT Devices at Homes and Beyond

In addition to extending connectivity beyond the front door, Amazon Sidewalk can be used by loT applications to deliver end-users convenience while opening up new possibilities for device manufacturers. Here you can find information about our energy-efficient, high-performance wireless hardware and software, development tools, and learning resources for Amazon Sidewalk, including a coverage map to help determine whether or not a Bridge device is needed.

Why Choose Silicon Labs for Your Amazon Sidewalk Project?

Silicon Labs provides IoT device makers with the most complete, one-stop-shop, wireless development solution for Amazon Sidewalk, simplifying your development process, reducing costs, and accelerating time to revenue for Amazon Sidewalk IoT devices. The certified solution comprises the Amazon Sidewalk SDK, wireless hardware, security, and development kits and tools.

Works With On-Demand 2024

Where Innovation Meets Implementation

2024 marks the 5th year of Works With, our industry-defining technical IoT developer conference. One of the defining characteristics of this event is the collection of industry experts, business leaders, and the minds driving the future of our industry. The full 2024 Works With Virtual agenda is now available on-demand.

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These one-hour technical trainings, presented by Silicon Labs and our partners, cover the most important aspects of IoT wireless connectivity.

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