Comprehensive Solutions for LPWAN Development

Silicon Labs offers a variety of LPWAN (low-power wide-area network) solutions ranging from flexible application programming interfaces (APIs) for custom solutions to partner stacks and full stacks. In addition to support for the most popular LPWAN technologies suitable for any level of RF expertise, you’ll receive unwavering support throughout the development process.

Sub-GHz SoC and Module Selector Guide

Our Sub-GHz wireless selector guide compares our Sub-GHz transceivers, modules, and SoCs to help you pick the best hardware for your IoT developments.

Introduction to LPWAN Networks

In this article, our experts cover the key characteristics of LPWAN, the best use cases for this technology, and the most common LPWAN solutions our customers are adopting.

LPWAN Tech Talk Series On-Demand

Our 5-part LPWAN Tech Talk series takes viewers through some of the common design challenges that come with large-scale smart city, utility, and industrial IoT development.

Silicon Labs Offers a Comprehensive Portfolio of LPWAN Solutions Across Technologies

When considering which LPWAN technology to work with, ecosystem partner, application requirements, and regulations/standards are the most important factors to examine. Silicon Labs offers a variety of LPWAN solutions that range from flexible application programming interfaces (APIs) for custom solutions to partner stacks and full stacks.

Amazon Sidewalk

Silicon Labs offers device makers with the most complete, one-stop-shop, wireless development solution for Amazon Sidewalk.

Z-Wave Long-Range

Our Z-Wave solutions offer best in class S2+ Secure Vault™ security, SmartStart provisioning, and support for both Z-Wave Mesh and Long Range.


Silicon Labs and Wirepas offers fully autonomous and self-configuring networks that can’t fail, supporting both main and battery-operated devices.


Silicon Labs' Wi-SUN hardware is certified by the Wi-SUN Alliance and designed to help scale with long-range, high-data throughout applications

Works With On-Demand 2024

Where Innovation Meets Implementation

2024 marks the 5th year of Works With, our industry-defining technical IoT developer conference. One of the defining characteristics of this event is the collection of industry experts, business leaders, and the minds driving the future of our industry. The full 2024 Works With Virtual agenda is now available on-demand.

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Join Us for Tech Talks - Free IoT Trainings

These one-hour technical trainings, presented by Silicon Labs and our partners, cover the most important aspects of IoT wireless connectivity.

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