
MSRP $49.00

ZGM230S Z-Wave SiP Module Radio Board

The ZGM230-RB4205B SiP module radio board (+14 dBm) plugs into the Main Board of the Z-Wave 800 Pro Kit. This radio board also supports development of Z-Wave Mesh and Z-Wave Long Range (Z-Wave LR) applications. Used in conjunction with the Z-Wave software development kit, distributed with Simplicity Studio, developers will have all the tools needed to start developing their project.

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Kit Contents: 

  • BRD4205B ZGM230S Z-Wave Radio Board

Radio Board Features:

  • ZGM230S Z-Wave SiP Module with512 kB Flash, 64 kB RAM. Integrated RF matching network, crystals, and decoupling capacitors (ZGM230SB27HGN2)
  • SMA antenna connector (863-925 MHz)
  • Optional PCB antenna
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