CP2102N USBXpress USB Bridges

Our CP2102N devices are designed to quickly add USB to applications by eliminating firmware complexity and reducing development time. The highly integrated USB-to-UART bridge controllers provide a simple solution for updating RS-232 designs to USB using a minimum of components and PCB space.

 With a USB 2.0 full-speed function controller, USB transceiver, oscillator and Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) in packages as small as 3x3 mm, no other external USB components are required for development. All customization and configuration options can be selected using a simple GUI-based configurator. By eliminating the need for complex firmware and driver development, the CP2102N devices enable quick USB connectivity with minimal development effort.

Usbxpress bridge bd
Data transfer rates
Up to 3 Mbaud
Low operating current
9.5 mA

USBXpress USB Bridges Common Specs

  • No firmware development required
  • Simple GUI-based Xpress configurator
  • Integrated USB transceiver; no external resistors required
  • Integrated clock; no external crystal required
  • USB 2.0 full-speed compatible
  • Data transfer rates up to 3 Mbaud
  • USB battery charger detection (USB BCS 1.2 specification)
  • Remote wakeup for waking a suspended host
  • Low operating current: 9.5 mA
  • Royalty-free Virtual COM port drivers


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