Top 8 Silicon Labs 8-bit Microcontroller Technology Features

Silicon Labs' EFM8™ 8-bit microcontroller (MCU) family offers critical system benefits in terms of performance, size, cost and power consumption. Here we'll highlight the 8 factors that make this possible.

8 bit fast processor core icon

Fast Processor Core

With up to 72 MHz operation and with 70% of the instructions executing in less than 1 or 2 clock cycles, the EFM8 MCUs offer an economical solution that satisfy the performance needs of embedded applications. Also, the efficient architecture reduces memory requirements of the application.

8bit high performance analog

High Performance Analog

The EFM8 family of MCUs offer high performance analog peripherals such as 14-bit ADCs at 900 Ksps and 12-bit ADCs at 1 Msps, high noise immune Capsense peripherals and high accuracay temp sensors that reduce the system cost and simplify designs.

8bit no performance compromise

No Performance Compromise

The EFM8 MCUs provide no compromise peripherals that are fully characterized with guaranteed performance over temperature and voltage.

8bit digital crossbar

Digital Crossbar and Analog Multiplexer

Silicon Labs’ patented crossbar technology enables maximum flexibility and unparalleled ease of development, allowing designers to select any peripherals with no conflicts in pin-out or PCB layout.

8bit efficient digital peripherals

Efficient Digital Peripherals

Autonomous digital peripherals reduce the processor overhead. The EFM8 MCUs include high performance timers, higher resolution PWMs and fast serial communication peripherals including 12 Mbps SPI, 3 Mbps UART and 3.4 Mbps I²C.

8bit highly integrated

Highly Integrated

The EFM8 family features high precision oscillators, integrated on-board voltage regulator, USB charger detect circuitry and high performance peripherals in packages as small as 3x3 mm to reduce the PCB area and BOM cost.

8bit low power

Ultra Low Power

EFM8 extends battery life with ultra-low sleep currents down to 50 nA with Brown out detection, fast wake up times with less than 2 μs, active currents as low as 150 μA/MHz and Low energy USB module for power consumption reduction of up to 90%.

8bit software

Simplicity Studio Software

Free Simplicity Studio with integrated IDE, free unlimited code size Keil Compiler, demos, libraries and example codes, energy and Capsense Profiler tools, configurators, easily updated support packages, software and documentation, all at your fingertips.

8-bit Microcontroller Families

View our extensive 8-bit microcontroller portfolio

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