C8051F04x Analog-Intensive MCUs

The C8051F04x highly integrated mixed-signal 8-bit microcontroller (MCU) devices feature two separate high speed ADC sub-systems (either 10/12-bit, 100 ksps or 8-bit, 500 ksps). These analog-intensive microcontrollers also include two separate 12-bit DACs and a ± 60 V PGA (programmable gain amplifier).

With on-chip VDD monitor, Watchdog Timer, and a clock oscillator, the C8051F04x family of devices are truly stand-alone System-on-a-Chip solutions. All analog and digital peripherals are enabled/disabled and configured by user firmware. The Flash memory can be reprogrammed even in-circuit, providing non-volatile data storage, and also allowing field upgrades of the 8051 firmware.

C8051F04x BD

C8051F04x Common Specs

  • 25 MIPS 8051 CPU
  • 64 kB or 32 kB Flash memory
  • 4352 B RAM
  • 12-bit or 10-bit ADC with up to 100 ksps
  • 8-bit ADC up to 500 ksps
  • ±60 V common-mode DIFF amp /(F04x)
  • Two 12-bit DACs
  • 64 Digitial I/O
  • CAN 2.0 B controller with 32 message objects


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