C8051F32x/34x USB Microcontrollers

Silicon Lab​s' USB Microcontrollers (MCUs), with embedded full-speed USB 2.0, make it easy to implement industry standard USB connectivity. USBXpress development software is available to provide a complete host and device side software solution.

The USB MCUs feature an on-board universal serial bus (USB) 2.0 function controller with an integrated transceiver and on-chip clock recovery. No external resistors, crystal, voltage regulator, EEPROM, or other components are required. On-chip resources include a high-speed 8051 CPU with up to 64 kB Flash, UARTs, SMBus, SPI, timers, counters, and PWM generators. On-chip analog features include a multi-channel 10-bit ADC, voltage reference, internal oscillator, comparators, and a temperature sensor. Available in 28-pin QFN, 32-pin LQFP, or 48-pin TQFP packages, these devices provide a single-chip solution for embedded USB applications.

C8051F34x BD
Core Frequency
50 MHz
GPIO pins

C8051F32x-F34x Common Specs

  • 25-48 MIPS 8051 CPU
  • 16-64 kB Flash memory
  • 1536-5376 B RAM
  • USB 2.0
  • Integrated transceiver
  • Intergrated clock recovery
  • 1 kB buffer RAM
  • Full (12 Mbps), or low-speed operation
  • Control endpoint plus six bi-directional endpoint pipes
  • 10-bit, 200 ksps ADC
  • Two asynchronous comparators
  • Voltage reference
  • Temperature sensor
  • 15-40 digital I/O


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