Optical Sensors
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Kits and Boards
Optical Sensors Kits & Boards
Software and Tools
Optical Sensor Software Development
Software | Description | |
Si114x Programmer's Toolkit Development Software | The Si114x Programmer’s Toolkit contains a software API and a comprehensive suite of sample source code and utilities for Silicon Labs’ Si1132 and Si114x Optical Sensors. The Si114x Programmer’s Toolkit API also includes the Si114x Waveform Viewer Application. This tool runs in conjunction with user applications to display and debug the measurements taken from the Si114x evaluation board. Version 2.3 | |
Si115x Programmer’s Toolkit Development Software | The Si115x Programmer’s Toolkit contains a software API and a comprehensive suite of sample source code and utilities for Silicon Labs’ Si1153, and Si1133 optical sensors. Not compatible with the biometric sensors Si1143-AAGX and Si1144-AAGX. Version 3.6 | |
Si117x Static HRM/SpO2 Library Example Project | Static Heart Rate and SpO2 for Si117x on EFRMG12. Version 1.3 | |
UVIrSlider2EK Demo | UVIrSlider2EK Evaluation Board Demo Software. Version 1.01 |
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