Amazon Sidewalk – New Features and Market Applications

Review the new Amazon Sidewalk features and services released in Q1 2024 and how this enhances the Amazon Sidewalk network capabilities and applications.

About This Tech Talk

Amazon Sidewalk is a shared network enabled by Amazon devices, including Echo and Ring, to extend smart home networks beyond the fence and even into a Neighborhood Area Network to provide better coverage for devices. With extensive coverage, Amazon opened up its network in April 2023 to enable third-party devices to easily and quickly connect to this network, enabling easy and affordable connectivity to the cloud for device makers. This Tech Talk will look at what was launched in 2023 and provide an update on the applications and devices being developed and deployed for use on the Amazon Sidewalk network. In addition, we will talk about new features and services that will be released in Q1 2024 and how this further enhances the Amazon Sidewalk network capabilities for connecting low power devices to the cloud.

You can view the accompanying slides and recorded session below.


Roberto Sandre

Roberto Sandre  

Product Manager
Amazon Sidewalk


30 Minute Presentation

15 Minute Q&A

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