Matter - How to Go From Smart Home Silos to One Connected Wireless Ecosystem

Review the current and future state of the smart home market and how to go from smart home ecosystem silos to one unified wireless ecosystem with Matter.


With people growing more conscious of their work-life balance, consumers are looking for products that will save them time on routine tasks and chores. The rise of working from home during and post COVID-19 has only exacerbated this trend, causing new smart home devices to flood the market. However, this has also proliferated the “walled garden” ecosystems that make smart home devices from different manufacturers incompatible with each other.

How did the industry end up in this situation with various walled gardens and closed ecosystems? What’s the way forward towards an open Matter-based smart home ecosystem where devices and apps of any maker can talk to each other?

In this webinar, learn from an Omdia analyst and our experts as they cover the trends in the smart home, the walled ecosystems that exist today, the way towards an open ecosystem through Matter, and how to unify multiple wireless protocols with Matter.


Blake kozak

Blake Kozak
Senior Principal Analyst, Smart Home

Tom nordman

Tom Nordman
Senior Marketing Director & Site Manager Finland,
Silicon Labs

Craig babcock

Craig Babcock
Ecosystem Development Manager,
Silicon Labs


45 Minute Presentation with 15 Minute Q&A

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