SEM-PNL When Your Chips are Down

Why is there a chip shortage, what’s the impact and how are we going to rectify it?


Barb Jorgensen, Supply Chain Editor at the EETimes, Jodi Shelton, Co-Founder of the Global Semiconductor Alliance, Alan Bird, President, Global Supply Chain Services at Arrow Electronics and Tien Wu, CEO of ASE Inc join Brandon Tolany, SVP, Worldwide Sales and Marketing at Silicon Labs to discuss the factors contributing to the recent semiconductor shortage and ponder the strategies to mitigate future disruptions.


1 Hour, 7 Minute Presentation


Eps news barb jorgensen ww 2021

Barb Jorgensen

Supply Chain Editor, EETimes
Aspencore Media


Silabs jodi shelton ww 2021

Jodi Shelton

Co-Founder, President and Board of Directors
Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA)

Arrow alan bird ww 2021

Alan Bird

President, Gloval Supply Chain Services
Arrow Electronics

Silabs brandon tolany ww 2021

Brandon Tolany

Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales & Marketing
Silicon Labs

Ase tien wu ww 2021

Tien Wu

ASE, Inc.

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