Curriculum (Series)

Works With 2020: Z-Wave Development and Certification

Gain a deeper level of understanding for the Simplicity Studio Development Environment and Device Testing for Z-Wave Developers.


Works With Z-Wave - Development
Gain a deeper level of understanding for the Simplicity Studio Development Environment and Device Testing for Z-Wave Developers. The session begins with an overview of using Simplicity Studio to develop Z-Wave End Devices (sensors, switches, thermostats, etc.) with a focus on specific features of Simplicity Studio and Z-Wave. Eric Ryherd, a.k.a. "Dr. Z-Wave" will then share some testing and debugging tips learned over his many years of developing Z-Wave products. Eric will describe some hard-to-find "gotchas" and relate several anecdotes from the field that have cost significant time and money.
Works With Z-Wave - Certification 
Certification is a cornerstone of Z-Wave and will continue as Z-Wave becomes an Open Standard. The sessions in this curriculum will cover how certification works, how it is likely to change in the new Standards Development Organization, and how you can use the tools provided to self-test your products.
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