WSN-300: Building Large Scale Smart City Networks with Wi-SUN

Join this session to learn how to build your own Wi-SUN network.


Standing for ‘Wireless Smart Ubiquitous Network’, Wi-SUN is a leading IPv6 sub-GHz mesh technology for smart city and smart utility applications such as metering, demand response, street lighting, and much more.  

Wi-SUN mesh networks typically span hundreds to tens of thousands of nodes, making them ideal for for large-scale outdoor plans. When working on such far-reaching projects, it’s important for designers to understand the different use cases for large Wi-SUN networks and their expected performances. When selecting a network or device, designers need to know the network’s performance and behavior characteristics, such as network throughput and latency, and the impact of network size on scalability and reliability. 

This session covers the fundamentals of building your own Wi-SUN network. Learn how our large network testbed gathers network performance and latency data to help customers design and deploy robust Wi-SUN networks.

Interested in learning more about Wi-SUN? Check out our seven-part series:Works With 2021: Smart City Development and Wi-SUN


1 Hour, 45 Minute Presentation



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Silabs kyle dando ww 2021

Kyle Dando

Global Sales Enablement
Silicon Labs


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Julien Tiron

Senior Applications Engineer
Silicon Labs

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Thibaut Colin

Software Engineering Manager
Silicon Labs

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