Low-Power Wi-Fi for Industrial IoT Connectivity
Integrating wireless connectivity into industrial applications is unlocking massive opportunities to realize operational efficiency, increase safety, and even opening new business models. The benefits that come with bringing digital and physical technologies together, particularly with the emergence of Wi-Fi as a realistic option for low-power development, are being realized across industries. But there are a few important design considerations developers of IIoT applications should keep in mind, including security, scalability, and performance.
In this whitepaper, we’ll explore how low-power Wi-Fi powers IIoT applications in hostile RF environments and the applications that are being transformed as a result.
Low-Power Wi-Fi for Industrial IoT Connectivity
Integrating wireless connectivity into industrial applications is unlocking massive opportunities to realize operational efficiency, increase safety, and even opening new business models. The benefits that come with bringing digital and physical technologies together, particularly with the emergence of Wi-Fi as a realistic option for low-power development, are being realized across industries. But there are a few important design considerations developers of IIoT applications should keep in mind, including security, scalability, and performance.
In this whitepaper, we’ll explore how low-power Wi-Fi powers IIoT applications in hostile RF environments and the applications that are being transformed as a result.