The BLED112 Bluetooth Low Energy Dongle integrates all Bluetooth LE features. The USB dongle has a virtual COM port that enables seamless host application development using a simple application programming interface. The BLED112 can be used for Bluetooth Low Energy development. With two BLED112 dongles you can quickly prototype new Bluetooth LE application profiles by utilizing the Profile Toolkit™ and also automate in module software functions with BGScript™.
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As part of its ongoing commitment to supply continuity, Silicon Labs may provide pin-compatible and functionally equivalent replacement products if Silicon Labs determines, at its discretion, that supply chain adjustments, product improvements, market conditions, or similar business or technical issues make this necessary or advisable.
If for business, technical or other reasons beyond Silicon Labs’ reasonable control, Silicon Labs finds that it is necessary to discontinue a product, our policy is to issue an EOL notice that provides 6 months from notice to place final orders and 12 months from notice for final shipments. This policy complies with the JEDEC standard EIA/JESD48 that is commonly used in the semiconductor industry. We provide the required support for a product for its full life cycle.
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