This material is 6 of 6 in the Bluetooth 100 - Getting Started with Bluetooth Series.
Begin your Bluetooth training and development experience with Silicon Labs through this curriculum containing getting started information and technical documentation.
Begin your Bluetooth training and development experience with Silicon Labs through this curriculum containing getting started information and technical documentation.
A quick guide to practical exercises that demonstrate how to use the Bluetooth 5 features that are supported in the BLE SDK 2.10 using the GCC compiler and SimplicityStudio IDE. These features include multiple advertisement sets, extended advertisements, and anonymous advertising. The lab manual highlights hardware and software requirements, software installation, project creation, and adding Bluetooth 5 features to an application to help users get started and become familiar with using Bluetooth 5.
Hardware Requirements
- 2 Wireless Starter Kits (EFR32BG13/MG13 Radio Boards installed)
- 2 USB mini B cables
- iOS or Android Mobile device
Software Requirements
- Simplicity Studio v4
- Gecko Platform – v2.7
- Bluetooth SDK – v2.13
- Blue Gecko v1.5.1 Mobile App
- Project source files