This material is 2 of 2 in the Security 103 - PSA Crypto.
This training gives an overview of the platform security architecture (PSA) and goes into topics such as PSA Implementation, Funcitional APIs, the Crypto API and ceritifcation. We then discuss Silicon Labs' PSA Crypto implementation.
This training gives an overview of the platform security architecture (PSA) and goes into topics such as PSA Implementation, Funcitional APIs, the Crypto API and ceritifcation. We then discuss Silicon Labs' PSA Crypto implementation.
This hands-on lab walks through an example of using Silicon Labs' PSA Crypto implementation.
Lab Procedures
Hardware Requirements
EFR32xG21B Radio Board
Wireless Starter Kit
Software Requirement
Simplicity Studio v5
Gecko SDK 3.2.0
Terminal Program for UART Communication