Video Material

TPH-102: Quick Look - SparkFun Air Quality Sensor SGP40

This material is 2 of 4 in the Third Party Hardware Drivers.

Get started developing with popular third party hardware devices from SparkFun, Adafruit, Mikroe and others using the Third Party Hardware Drivers extension for the Simplicity Studio IDE


Take a quick look at SparkFun's Air Quality Sensor board with Sensirion's SGP40 sensor working with Silicon Labs EFR32MG24 multi-protocol wireless microcontroller. The sensor board can be easily integrated into your application for Silicon Labs secure, intelligent, connected microcontrollers using the Third Party Hardware Drivers extension for Simplicity Studio IDE.

Next Steps:

  1. Visit Silicon Labs Simplicity Studio page to download the IDE
  2. Visit the Silicon Labs Third Party Hardware Drivers Extension repository on GitHub for installation instructions, plus information on the driver and example application
  3. Visit SparkFun's Air Quality Sensor product page for further information about the sensor board
  4. Visit Sensirion's SGP40 product page for further information on the sensor used on this board, including Sensirion's VOC Index measurement


Simplicity Studio

Third Party Hardware Drivers Extension

Hardware Required:

EFR32xG24 Explorer Kit

SparkFun Air Quality Sensor SGP40

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