C8051F30x Small Form Factor Microcontrollers

The C8051F30x small microcontroller (MCU) devices were the world’s first MCU to fit in a tiny 3 mm x 3 mm package. There are no compromises on integration and performance with a 25 MIPS CPU, 500 ksps 8-bit ADC, on-chip (±2%) precision oscillator, and comparator. A pin-for-pin compatible One-time Programmable (OTP) EEPROM version is also available (C8051T60x).

With on-chip Power-On Reset, VDD monitor, Watchdog Timer, and a clock oscillator, the C8051F300/1/2/3/4/5 devices are truly stand-alone System-on-a-Chip solutions. The Flash memory can be reprogrammed even in-circuit, providing non-volatile data storage, and also allowing field upgrades of the 8051 firmware. User software has complete control of all peripherals and may individually shut down any or all peripherals for power savings.

C8051F30x BD
Packages as small as
3x3 mm
Core Frequency
25 MHz

C8051F30x Common Specs

  • 25 MIPS 8051 CPU
  • 2 to 8 kB Flash
  • 256 B RAM
  • 8-bit, 500 ksps, 11-ch. ADC (F300/302 only)
  • 8 digital I/O, 5 V tolerant
  • 2.7 to 3.6 V supply
  • –40 to +85 °C operating temperature
  • On-chip debug
  • Low-cost, complete development kit
  • 11-pin QFN (3 mm x 3 mm)


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