SiWx917Y Wi-Fi® 6 plus Bluetooth® Low Energy LE 5.4 Modules

Our SiWx917Y Wireless Module provides ultra-low-power Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth Low Energy LE 5.4 multiprotocol 2.4 GHz connectivity for energy-sensitive and battery-powered IoT devices. With the integrated antenna and worldwide RF regulatory certifications, the SiWx917Y Wireless Module reduces the time and costs needed for development and certifications. The ARM® Cortex®-M4 application microcontroller subsystem, Matter-support, large memory, Sensor Hub, and a rich set of peripherals make the SiWx917Y Wireless Module a versatile solution for any IoT use case. The intelligent power management delivers high-performance, long-range Wi-Fi 6 connectivity at the lowest power in its class, maximizing battery life and minimizing energy consumption for smart IoT devices.

Our SiWx917Y Module packs a fully integrated, shielded IoT wireless computing solution with an antenna, and worldwide RF-certifications in a package with dimensions of 16 x 21 x 2.3 mm. There are multiple orderable part numbers (OPN) available with different antenna, PSRAM, and Flash configurations and three operational modes: hostless system-on-chip (SoC), network co-processor (NCP), and radio co-processor (RCP), offering an optimal solution for IoT applications such as Smart Homes, Smart Cameras, Appliances, Consumer Health and Wearables, Clinical Medical, Industrial, Smart Building, and Asset Tracking.

The wireless subsystem consists of a network wireless processor running up to 160 MHz, baseband digital signal processing, analog front-end, RF transceiver, and integrated power amplifier. The application subsystem consists of an ARM® Cortex® M4 Processor with FPU subsystem running up to 180 MHz dedicated to peripheral and application processing. The high-performance dual-core architecture runs the applications and wireless stacks on separate cores to maximize performance and throughput and to guarantee timely processing of time-sensitive applications.

The SiWx917Y modules support RF regulatory certifications worldwide. They have modular radio type approvals for countries such as the USA (FCC), Canada (IC/ISED), MIC (Japan), and more. They also comply with the relevant EN standards (including EN 300 328 v2.2.2) for conformity with the directives and regulations in the EU (CE) and UK (UKCA) (Contact Silicon Labs sales for more details).

Siwx917y wi fi modules block diagram
Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 5.4, Matter ready
Integrated MCU
ARM® Cortex®-M4 processor with FPU

SiWx917Y Module Common Specs

Ultra-Low Power Wireless System on a Chip

  • Wi-Fi 6 Single band 2.4 GHz and Bluetooth Low Energy 5.4 wireless radio
  • ARM® Cortex®-M4F Application MCU up to 180 MHz
  • Integrated baseband processor, RF transceiver, high-power amplifier, balun and T/R switch
  • Embedded SRAM up to 672 KB
  • In-package Flash up to 8 MB and supports optional external Flash up to 16 MB
  • In-package PSRAM up to 8 MB and supports optional external PSRAM up to 16 MB
  • Wi-Fi stack, TCP/IP stack, Bluetooth stack run on NWP, offloading application MCU

Wi-Fi 6

  • Wi-Fi 6 802.11ax 2.4 GHz 1 x 1 20 MHz
  • IEEE 802.11 b/g/n/ax
  • Supports 802.11ax features such as OFDMA, MU-MIMO, and Target Wake Time (TWT)
  • Up to +17.5 dBm Transmit (Tx) power with integrated PA
  • Receive (Rx) sensitivity -95 dBm
  • Data Rate 86 Mbps MCS7

Ultra-Low System Power Consumption

  • Wi-Fi Standby Associated mode current: 78 μA @ 1-second interval
  • Deep sleep current ~ 2.5 μA, Sleep/Standby current (352kB SRAM retention) ~ 10 μA
  • Low MCU Sub-system active current: 32 μA/MHz @ 20MHz in low power mode

Bluetooth Low Energy 5.4

  • Bluetooth Low Energy  1Mbps, 2Mbps, and Long-Range modes 125 kbps & 500 kbps
  • Transmit (TX) power up to +17 dBm with integrated PA

Wireless Certifications

  • Wi-Fi Alliance, Bluetooth SIG
  • USA (FCC), Canada (IC/ISED), MIC (Japan), etc. Compliance with the relevant EN standards including EN 300 328 v2.2.2 for conformity with the directives and regulations in the EU (CE) and UK (UKCA) (Contact Silicon Labs sales for more details).

Microcontroller Subsystem

  • ARM® Cortex®-M4 with FPU up to 180 MHz
  • Integrated MPU and NVIC
  • In-System Programming (ISP) and Over-the-Air (OTA) wireless firmware update
  • Power On Reset (POR) Brown/Black-out and Black-out Detection
  • Digital Peripherals - SDIO, 1 x USART, 2 x UART, 4 x SPI, 3 x I2C, 2 x I2S, PWM, QEI
  • Timers: 4 x 16/32-bit, 1 x 24-bit, WDT, RTC
  • Analog Peripherals 12-bit 16-channel, 2.5 Msps ADC, 10-bit DAC, 3 x Op-amps, 2 x Comparators, Temperature Sensor
  • 43 GPIOs

High Level of Security

  • WPA2 (Personal/Enterprise), WPA3 (Personal), TLS1.3
  • Sevure Boot/OTA, PUF, TRNG, Secure Zone, Key Storage, Debug Lock, Anti Rollback, Encrypted XiP, Secure Attestation
  • HW Accelerators: AES-128/256, SHA-256/384/512, HMAC, RSA, ECC, ECDH, RNG, CRC, SHA-3, AES-GCM / CMAC, ChaCha-poly, TRNG

Operating Range

  • Voltage: 3.0 V to 3.63 V
  • GPIOs: 1.71 V to 3.63 V
  • Operating temperature: -40°C to +85°C  


  • 16 mm x 21.1 mm x 2.3 mm

Development Environment

  • Simplicity Studio
  • VS Code GitHub


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Harnessing the Power of Wi-Fi 6 in the New Age of IoT

This whitepaper covers the rapid evolution of Wi-Fi over the last two decades and dive into the value of Wi-Fi 6 for IoT devices.

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