Z-Wave Products

Certified Z-Wave Solutions from the Leader in IoT

The Silicon Labs Z-Wave wireless solutions are end-to-end solutions with software and hardware building blocks for both controllers and end devices for home security and smart home devices including door locks, thermostats, shades, switches, and sensors. Z-Wave software provides the foundational features required in the Z-Wave specification and enables you to focus on your application with no need to be a protocol expert.

Z-Wave LR Introduction

Z-Wave LR extends connectivity beyond the boundaries of the home and accelerates the adoption in other verticals such as light commercial, hospitality, and MDUs.

Z-Wave Selector Guide

This guide provides an in-depth look at our Z-Wave solutions, covering both hardware and software components for controllers and end devices.

Z-Wave Certification

Interoperability between Z-Wave products is critical, and in this overview we take a look at the types of certifications available and the process required to achieve them.

Efr32zg28 z wave 800 socs.thumb.256.144
Z wave
Z wave long range
Wi sun
Amazon sidewalk
EFR32ZG28 SoCs
The ZG28 is an ideal dual band sub-GHz + 2.4 GHz SoC. The low-power, high-performance SoC features 1024 kB of Flash, 256 kB, and up to 49 GPIO to enable advanced Z-Wave applications.
800 series modules.thumb.256.144
Z wave
Z wave long range
ZGM230S Modules
Based on the EFR32ZG23 SoC, the ZGM230S delivers robust RF performance, long-range, industry leading security features, and low-current consumption in a 6.5 x 6.5 mm package.
800 series modem soc.thumb.256.144
Z wave
Z wave long range
Amazon sidewalk
EFR32ZG23 SoCs
The ZG23 is an optimized low power, high performance, sub-GHz SoC that provides up to 512 kB of Flash and 64 kB of RAM for Z-Wave Mesh and Z-Wave Long Range.
Z-Wave Modules and SoCs 6 Select Columns
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Z-Wave Kits & Boards
Pro Kits (3)
Modular kits for software development and feature evaluation of IoT devices
XG28-PK6024AEFR32xG28 Pro Kit +14 dBmMSRP $179.00
XG28-PK6025AEFR32xG28 Pro Kit +20 dBmMSRP $179.00
ZWAVE-PK800BZ-Wave 800 Pro KitMSRP $428.00
Starter Kits (1)
Modular kits for software development and feature evaluation of IoT devices
SLWSTK6050CZ-Wave Long Range 700 Starter KitMSRP $379.00
Development Kits (1)
Full-featured application development kits
ZGM230-DK2603AZ-Wave 800 Series Development KitMSRP $64.00
Radio Boards (7)
Wireless starter kit plug-in boards featuring specific SoC or module wireless devices
SLWRB4206AEFR32ZG14 Z-Wave Long Range Radio BoardMSRP $44.00
SLWRB4207AZGM130S Z-Wave LR 700 Module Radio BoardMSRP $37.50
XG23-RB4204DEFR32XG23 868-915 MHz +14 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $58.00
XG23-RB4210AEFR32XG23 868-915 MHz +20 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $64.00
XG28-RB4400CEFR32xG28 2.4 GHz BLE and +14 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $40.00
XG28-RB4401CEFR32xG28 2.4 GHz BLE and +20 dBm Radio BoardMSRP $40.00
ZGM230-RB4205BZGM230S Z-Wave SiP Module Radio BoardMSRP $49.00
Debug and Programming Tools (1)
Debugging and programming tools and accessories
SLUSB001AEFR32ZG14 UZB-7 Z-Wave 700 Stick Bridge ModuleMSRP $21.00

Z-Wave Software Development

We provide smart home IoT device makers with a full range of Z-Wave protocols including Z-Wave 500, Z-Wave 700, Z-Wave LR, and the latest Z-Wave 800. You can find links to the latest software and tools available for Z-Wave development and debugging below.

  The Z-Wave 800 Series Software Developer Kit (SDK) helps developers create Z-Wave Plus compliant smart home devices quickly and cost-effectively.
  Alliance certified Z-Wave controller based on Unify SDK. Unify SDK simplifies IoT infrastructure development including gateways, access points, hubs, bridges, and application processor-based end products. Unify SDK provides common building blocks that ease connectivity across IoT ecosystems including Z-Wave.
  Z/IP Gateway is an out of the box alliance certified Z-Wave controller Distributed as source
  The Z-Wave 700 Series End Device Software Developer’s Kit (SDK) helps developers create Z-Wave Plus compliant smart home devices quickly and cost-effectively.
  The Z-Wave 500 Series End Device Software Developer’s Kit (SDK) intended to help developers creating Z-Wave Plus compliant products in a fast and cost-effective manner.

*The Z/IP gateway is a free reference design intended for development and demonstration purposes only.  It is provided as is, with no warranties. Customers are advised to conduct security and compliance testing of all gateways during the product design process.


Z-Wave Technical Library

Access to Data Sheets, App Notes, and more.

Z-Wave Training

Find all Z-Wave training resources

Z-Wave Certifications

Learn the process to certify your products for Z-Wave

Z-Wave Specifications

Learn more about Z-Wave specifications

Z-Wave Protocol Lifecycle

Read about Z-Wave software longevity

Z-Wave Global Coverage

See global frequency coverage

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What is Z-Wave?

The Z-Wave protocol is an open, interoperable, sub-GHz wireless communications technology designed specifically for control, monitoring and status reading applications in residential and light commercial environments. Z-Wave has two operating modes Z-Wave MESH which is a very reliable sub-GHz MESH and Long Range which operates in a STAR topology offering over a mile range. Mature, proven and broadly deployed (with over 100 million products sold worldwide), Z-Wave is by far the world market leader in wireless control, bringing affordable, reliable and easy-to-use ‘smart’ products to many millions of people in every aspect of daily life.

Silicon Labs Z-Wave Solution

The Silicon Labs Z-Wave solution is an end to end solution with software and hardware building blocks for both controllers and end devices to create a full smart home IoT system. The Z-Wave software gives you the foundational features required in the Z-Wave Specification and enables you to focus on your application with no need to be a protocol expert.

Z-Wave End Device Software

The Z-Wave End Device software from Silicon Labs enables end devices such as security sensors, door locks, light switches/bulbs, and many more to benefit from the pre-certified Z-Wave applications, all certified under the latest certification program from the Z-Wave Alliance. For more custom device applications you can leverage the Z-Wave Application Framework.

The complete suite of Z-Wave certified HW and SW building blocks enables system solutions, for end device makers and controller/gateway companies, to build Z-Wave powered smart home products and enjoy the benefits of taking part in the Z-Wave Ecosystem.

Z-Wave Controller Software

The Z-Wave Controller software from Silicon Labs enables faster time to market, as it handles all connectivity and protocol details allowing you to focus on your application software and cloud connection. The Z-Wave Controller solution with Unify SDK provides features such as easy and secure commissioning, network maintenance, a mailbox for battery devices and more ensuring that your controller product is in compliance with the required functionality from the Z-Wave Alliance Specification. The controller solution is pre-certified under the latest Z-Wave certification program from the Z-Wave Alliance and distributed as a source code via GitHub. The pre-certified Z/IP Gateway option is also still available and distributed as a source code, but it is in maintenance mode.

Z-Wave Compared

  Range Data Rate Frequency Band Network Topology
Z-Wave 100 m 100 kbps 915/868 MHz MESH
Z-Wave Long Range >1000 m 100 kbps 912 MHz STAR

What is Z-Wave used for?

Z-Wave is designed to meet the demands of the future smart home, hospitality and MDUs, where increasing needs for more sensors and battery-operated devices require both long-range and low power. Our sub-GHz Z-Wave solutions offer best in class security, Smart Start provisioning, battery life of up to 10 years, full home and yard coverage, customer product-level interoperability and backward compatibility.

Z-Wave is, by far, the most widely used wireless protocol for the home automation industry. It uses simple, reliable, low-power radio waves that easily travel through walls, floors and cabinets, without interference from the other wireless devices you might have in your home. Z-Wave can be added to almost anything electronic, even devices that you wouldn’t ordinarily think of as “intelligent,” such as appliances, window shades, thermostats and lights.

Z-Wave offers integrators and system designers a world of business opportunities, along with the products and training to make those opportunities pay dividends for both you and your clients. Now integrators can easily deliver all the hot applications that customers are asking for, including remote home and business management, energy conservation, connected solutions for independent aging, real estate and property control and more. All with no new wiring and the confidence that comes with an interoperable standard that works seamlessly between brands.

  • Reliable sub-GHz technology

    Offering wide coverage and up to 10 years on a coin cell

  • Interoperability and backward compatibility

    Over 3000 products from 700 manufacturers

  • Best-in-class security

    Z-Wave S2 + Secure Vault™ for Z-Wave 800

  • Z-Wave SmartStart

    Easy and error free secure inclusion

  • Pre-certified building blocks

    Easy development and faster time to market

  • Z-Wave Long Range

    Up to 1.5-mile wireless communication range

Learn more about Z-Wave with these training assets

Works With On-Demand 2024

Where Innovation Meets Implementation

2024 marks the 5th year of Works With, our industry-defining technical IoT developer conference. One of the defining characteristics of this event is the collection of industry experts, business leaders, and the minds driving the future of our industry. The full 2024 Works With Virtual agenda is now available on-demand.

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