Matter: A Unified Approach to IoT Device Development

Matter simplifies development by driving the convergence between the major IoT ecosystems with a reliable and secure wireless protocol built on proven IP-based technologies, designed to connect devices across ecosystems and manufacturers.

Matter SoC and Module Selector Guide

Our Matter SoC and Module Selector Guide provides you with a quick, comparative overview of our portfolio to help you select the ideal SoC or module for your next project.

Get Started on Your Matter Developer Journey

We can accelerate the development of Matter devices by helping you along each stage of your project, including guiding you along the path of key ecosystem providers. 

Matter Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve collected the most common questions about the Matter standard, what it means for developers, and how to make the most of its potential.

Wi-Fi 6 SoCs and Modules Select Columns
Select Columns
Frequency Bands Application MCU Onboard IP Support Key Peripherals
SiWx915 Wireless SoCs
Wi-Fi 6 plus and Bluetooth LE 5.4
Single Band (2.4) SDIO, UART, SPI, SDIO
SiWx917 Wireless SoCs
Wi-Fi 6 plus and Bluetooth LE 5.4
Single Band (2.4) SDIO, SDIO, SPI, SDIO, SPI, UART

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Thread SoCs and Modules Select Columns
Select Columns
Thread Certified Frequency Bands (MHz) Flash (kB) RAM (kB) Output Power Range (dBm) MCU Core TX Current (mA) 0 dBm RX Current (mA) RX Sensitivity (dBm) Security GPIO
EFR32MG24 Series 2 SoCs
MGM240 Modules
2.4 GHz 1024, 1536 128, 192, 256 -20 10,19.5 ARM Cortex-M33 5.0 5.1 -105.4 (802.15.4) AES-128 AES-256 ECC SHA-1 SHA-2 Secure Enclave 26, 28, 32
EFR32MG24 Series 2 Modules
MGM240 Modules
2.4 GHz 1536 192, 256 -33.7,-29.1,-24,-23.8 10,19.9 ARM Cortex-M33 4.8 5.2, 5.9, 7.7 -106 (802.15.4) AES-128 AES-256 ECC SHA-1 SHA-2 12, 26, 32
EFR32MG21 Series 2 SoCs
Zigbee and Thread EFR32MG21 SoCs (Series 2)
2.4 GHz 512, 768, 1024 64, 96 -20 10,10.5,20 ARM Cortex-M33 9.9 9.4 -104.3 (250 kbps O-QPSK DSSS) AES-128 AES-256 ECC SHA-1 SHA-2 20
EFR32MG21 Series 2 Modules
Zigbee and Thread EFR32MG21 Based Modules (Series 2)
2.4 GHz 1024 96 -20 10,12.5,20 ARM Cortex-M33 16.1 9.4 -104 (802.15.4) AES-128 AES-256 ECC SHA-1 SHA-2 20

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Wi-Fi 4 SoCs and Modules Select Columns
Select Columns
Frequency Bands Application MCU Onboard IP Support Key Peripherals
RS9116 Wi-Fi NCP SoCs
RS9116 Wi-Fi NCP SoCs
Single Band (2.4) UART, SPI, SDIO, USB CDC
RS9116 Wi-Fi NCP Modules
RS9116 Wi-Fi NCP Modules
Dual Band (2.4/5), Single Band (2.4) UART, SPI, SDIO, USB CDC
WF200 Series 2 Wi-Fi Transceiver Modules
WFM200 Wi-Fi Transceiver Modules (Series 2)
Single Band (2.4) SDIO/SPI
WF200 Series 2 Wi-Fi Transceiver SoCs
Wi-Fi Transceiver SoCs (Series 2)
Single Band (2.4) SDIO, SPI

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Matter Development Kits

Silicon Labs offers several Matter compliant development kits for Thread and Wi-Fi ranging from compact, feature-packed low-cost prototyping platforms to multi-node advanced multiprotocol kits for robust, secure mesh networks. See here which kit is the best fit for your needs! 

Series 2 Development Kits for Matter over Thread End Devices and Border Routers

The EFR32xG24 Development Kits provide a variety of different hardware options, optimized for your development needs.  Whether it is rapid prototyping using the Explorer Kits, proof of concept and advanced feature development using the Dev Kits, or full development including advanced RF and power consumption testing using the Pro Kits, Silicon Labs has the right development hardware to meet your needs for Matter over Thread development.

 Series 2 Development Kits for OpenThread Border Routers

The EFR32xG21 Development Kits enable enhanced RF development using the Pro Kits that enable advanced RF development and debug capabilities. Including packet trace, to ensure robust RF solutions for Open Thread Border Routers.

Development Kits for Wi-Fi over Matter

Full-featured application development kits.

WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit with Raspberry Pi

The SLEXP8022C WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion kit + Raspberry Pi includes a built-in Raspberry Pi Connector to get started immediately with Linux development and an EXP Connector to enable development on Silicon Labs' MCUs and Wireless MCUs.

MSRP $230.23

WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit with Raspberry Pi

The SLEXP8023C WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion kit + Raspberry Pi includes a built-in Raspberry Pi Connector to get started immediately with Linux development and an EXP Connector to enable development on Silicon Labs' MCUs and Wireless MCUs.

MSRP $99.00

Matter Over Thread Bridging:
Zigbee and Z-Wave

Matter Over Wi-Fi and Thread 

Featured Matter Applications

On top of supporting IP networks within Matter, developers can leverage Silicon Labs' broad IoT wireless expertise that spans building automationsmart homeindustrial IoT, and smart markets to connect a wide range of networks and devices—regardless of the underlying network protocol.

LED Lighting


Door Locks

Commercial Lighting

A Unified Approach to IoT Device Development

Matter drives the convergence between the major Smart Home IoT ecosystems to create one easy, reliable, and secure wireless protocol to connect all IoT devices and networks in homes.

Matter Benefits Developers and Consumers

Matter leverages existing IP technologies including Wi-Fi and Thread to build a unified wireless connectivity ecosystem and IP-based networking provides manufacturers with simplified development while improving device compatibility for consumers. Motivated by the belief that connected experiences should become more reliable, secure, and work effectively together, the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA) launched Matter (formerly known as Connected Home over IP project) to make it easier for device manufacturers to build devices that are compatible with smart home and voice services such as Amazon’s Alexa, Apple® Siri®, Google Assistant™, and others.

Matter also builds in defenses against a wide variety of threats with a security architecture based on “security by design” and “zero trust”. As part of this, Matter builds in security measures so that every message is protected.

Developer Benefits:

  • Unifying Application Layer

    Simplifies development, lowers development & operational costs

  • Open Source

    Community collaboration improved quality, expedites process and captures broader use-cases

  • Proven Technologies

    Faster time to market, as developers can leverage existing implementations

  • IP Class Security

    Opensource and trusted standard cryptographic algorithms with well protected keys

Consumer Benefits:

  • Simplicity

    Matter products should be easy to purchase, set up and use

  • Compatibility

    Devices from multiple brands work natively together

  • Privacy

    Consumers are in control of the privacy and authorization for interaction with the devices

Developer Journey

Silicon Labs is With You for Every Step Along the Matter Developer Journey

We can accelerate the development of Matter devices by helping you along each stage of your project, including guiding you along the path of key ecosystem providers.

Works With 2024

Where Innovation Meets Implementation

Works With, the premier Silicon Labs developer event of the year, is back! This year will feature three regional, in-person developer events in San Jose, Hyderabad and Shanghai. Participants will experience a full day of training sessions and dedicated technology tracks, as well as a demo lab and networking opportunities. The agenda for these in-person events will also include engineer-led, hands-on workshops where participants will learn practical ways to accelerate the development of their projects with the latest tools, techniques, and resources.

We'll wrap things up with our Works With Virtual training sessions, keeping you up to date on the latest technology trends, all from the comfort of your remote location.

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